Blog #8 CS373 Fall 2021

What did you do this past week?
This past week, I attended my classes as normal (for me anyway), and I worked on my projects for this class and my other CS course. More of my time was spent on working on the other course than this course since I had a deadline for this week in that other class, and my other team members were working on other work they had. I also had a presentation in my Japanese course.
What’s in your way?
Our group got an R on Project #2 for something I was responsible for. It felt really bad since I made such a small error that I did not even see as an error.
What will you do next week?
I will have to work on both of the projects for my CS courses since they are both due soon. I will also attend class as normal. It seems that this time of year, fewer people are coming to class.
If you read it, what did you think of Paper #8: Liskov Substitution Principle?
The Liskov Substitution Principle is an interesting principle. It made me realize that a programmer needs to zoom out from the code they are writing and see what future aspects the code may have in the future in order to make it possible to add more to the code base in the future.
What was your experience of comprehensions, generators, and yield? (this question will vary, week to week)
I had seen a small part of comprehensions in a course where I had to write code in Python, but I did not fully understand what they did. By connecting them to generators in this week’s classes, I am more capable of understanding the multiple ways to use them. Yields helped me understand how they actually work.
Generators seemed like a built-in way to perform simple tasks while also not taking up time or space. I say that, but by allowing any function to be used on them, the simple examples we saw in class could definitely be expanded to larger code.
The yield keyword was completely different from other programming languages I have worked in. I saw it as something similar to GDB’s breakpoints, but, in this case, the code actually returns something.
What made you happy this week?
I liked the rain. It’s so dry.
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
I logged into my other Discord account to see if there was anything going on on it, and it made me realize how useful Discord has been for acting as something like that of a forum where particular subjects can be isolated to their own channels and easily posted to by people who create software. For example, I am in the Discord for TModLoader, the official Terraria modding framework, and one channel it has is a channel for pushes to GitHub.