Blog 6 CS 373 Fall 2021

What did you do this past week?
This past week I did an online exam for my Japanese class and worked on projects for my two CS courses. I also went to my sister’s house to celebrate two of my nieces’ birthdays.
What’s in your way?
I need to finish my projects/their phases that have deadlines this coming week. The most difficult part of this has been actually being able to meet with my team members since schedules have been hit with midterms. Additionally, learning the tools to do these projects has created a hurdle to finishing them.
What will you do next week?
I will be working on the project for this class and the project for my other class. I also have an online midterm that I will complete by Thursday. However, due to this midterm, I will be coming home from commuting to school much earlier since the class is not being held in exchange for the midterm. I will use this opportunity to work on the projects since my time is usually taken up by commuting.
If you read it, what did you think of the Paper #6: Single Responsibility Principle?
I had never heard of the Single Responsibility Principle, but it seems to be something that can just occur naturally. If people are working on a project, and they want to prevent unnecessary work on code that has not been changed but needs to have work on it due to not following the principle, then that code would likely get separated. I think that this paper was beneficial in exposing more on the importance of modularity.
What was your experience of factorial, reduce, and operators? (this question will vary, week to week)
For factorial, it was interesting to see the different ways to perform the task while also comparing their respective speeds. Learning about the different speeds with their respective code helps build understanding on why pieces are faster.
For the reduce portion of this week, our group did get a little confused and implemented a slower version before being told how to do the faster version, but I think this was a good thing since now the faster version is more memorable.
Seeing operators in Python helped me understand Python classes a bit better alongside the other topics of this week since my understanding of Python mainly lacks classes and the different methods that can be implemented for other classes.
What made you happy this week?
I was cold called this week. It was really satisfying since there were many moments where I knew what the scenario was and I wanted to talk. I also felt more connected to the lesson learned during the class.
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
I got bored and started trying to look at open source projects. Immediately found that Google has a website that goes to open source projects.