Blog #6: CS 371G Summer 2021

What did you do this past week?
This past week I had my last week for my ethics course. We ended the class with a presentation and a noncumulative final. For the presentation, we were put into groups and had to present a product to alleviate a technological ethical dilemma. I thought my group was a little bit special because our group actually showed pseudocode in a git repo. For this class, my project partner and I worked through Integer for too long. We predicted that it would take 15 hours to complete when it actually took 30 hours.
What’s in your way?
I still need to find a project partner for the next project Deque. However, what seems more important to me is what is now out of my way with that being the end of my ethics course, giving me more free time.
What will you do next week?
I will find a project partner and work to complete the Deque project. Hopefully it will not have too many difficult calculations or small features that would require heavy redesigning to make work like Integer did.
If you read it, what did you think of the Paper #6: Vector?
I found it interesting that there were many cases that had to be handled for certain functions. The assignment function is interesting because, in the case that a vector is smaller in capacity than the size of the vector it is being assigned to, the vector assigned is given the size and not the capacity of the vector on the right hand side. Resize is also interesting since it was mentioned several times that a vector has to resize when it runs out of capacity by doubling the current size, but it also takes into consideration that if resize were called by the user then it uses the max between the user’s number and double the current size.
What was your experience of containers, container adapters, and allocators? (this question will vary, week to week)
Containers and container adapters seemed like they retained certain properties that were similar to previous equivalents to other programming languages I know of. However, the deque was something I had never heard of before, and I had found it very innovative in terms of containers that do not ruin iterators.
Allocators make me very happy since they seem like a way of not having to deal with calling C++’s equivalent to C’s malloc or free. Although, I will have to use them more in writing code to understand them better.
What made you happy this week?
It made me happy to see that my ethics course had ended. I am glad to no longer have to worry about a morning class (although the class was only at 10 a.m.).
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
In trying to think of ways to make Integer run faster, I thought of using threads, but wondered if that was even okay to do in the first place. However, this got me to go look at the way that threads work in C++, and they seem to work similarly to C.