Blog #11 CS 373 Fall 2021

What did you do this past week?
This past week, I have been working on a project for my other CS class. I noticed that registration for classes for next semester was picking up more this week for other people, so, since I do not have classes next semester, not signing up for classes invoked an interesting feeling.
What’s in your way?
I need to work with my group members for the next part of the project for this class. There is a looming feeling that things are going to pick up for me more in my other CS course since we are going to head into a new project that is to act as the final project for that course.
What will you do next week?
I will need to work with my project partners to grind through refining pieces of our project as well as implementing the features necessary for Project #4. I will also be able to commute back earlier on Thursday due to one of my professors having a meeting, which caused us not to have class.
If you read it, what did you think of the Paper #11: Getters and Setters?
I feel as though I have known the message of the paper from a previous course, but I forgot when. Coming into the paper, I understood that getters and setters presented some exposure to pieces of a program that were not necessary for the clients to see. Seeing the moments they were appropriate was useful. However, I was trying to correlate this to the game engine that I am using for my other course and was a bit confused since there were many getters and setters that the user had access to. There is even technically an easy access to them through the GUI. I believed that there was some more abstraction that was hiding the true capabilities of these getters and setters because looking into the code for them yielded strange returns and calls.
What was your experience of relational algebra, select, and project? (this question will vary, week to week)
The basic operations of relational algebra were known to me, but I just did not realize that there was a term called “relational algebra” for them. I probably forgot.
Implementing a janky, simple version of select was useful in understanding a way to pick out pieces of a relation and yield a result, and I hope that the understanding of it will be useful in implementing the features for our project.
Similarly, project’s implementation was also useful in opening my eyes to how to understand how to implement other features for our project.
What made you happy this week?
I liked the cold days.
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
A YouTuber I watch released the next version of the massive mod they made for one of my favorite games, Dark Souls. The amount of dedication to coding, building environments to play in, and animating new items for the player to use is astonishing. Here is a link to the mod.